Make your web application installable like a native application.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Json files and icon templates to help you kick start your web project using the power of Progressive Web Apps
Make your web application installable like a native application.
Your favicons, touch-icons and icons optimized on all web and application environments.
Optimize your application's link sharing on social networks with the Open Graph protocol.
Your web application that can be consulted in all circumstances, even with a weak connection or offline.
The possibility of sending push notifications to the terminals of users who have installed your web application.
Enhance the user experience with UI elements for installing, updating, sharing...
Recommended meta tags, best practices, UI elements...
Pragmatic normalization, ergonomic improvement, reset and best practices.
Service worker registration, UX enhancing features, permissions.
A json file to make your application installable and set parameters.
A JS file acting as a proxy, allowing choice in the processing of requests.
A set of ico, png and svg files serving as a size template so you don't forget any.
Windows 10 and 11 Chrome 73+, Edge 79+, Microsoft Store
ChromeOS Chrome browser 72+, Play Store 85+
macOS, Linux, and Windows 7 and 8.x Chrome 73+, Edge
iOS and iPadOS Safari iOS 11.3+, AppStore iOS/iPadOS 14+ (with some limitations)
Android Firefox, Google Chrome, Samsung Internet, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave, Huawei Browser, Baidu, UCWeb, Play Store (Chrome 72+), Galaxy Store
Game consoles Xbox with Microsoft Store
XR Devices Microsoft Hololens, plans for Facebook's Oculus
However, the rest of the devices with a browser do not typically accept PWAs.